How do I get a AdMaven API Key?
The API checks user data from the user that generated it, if you didn't fill in your MANDATORY publisher details the API will have a failed response just like trying to create a link in the panel.
The AdMaven API is a powerful tool that helps you create links on the fly!
In order to use the API key you first need to create a AdMaven account and go to the "New Content locker" -> "Key Generator".

Your key will be displayed here, click Copy API key to copy it!

The AdMaven API is a powerful tool that helps you create links on the fly!
In order to use the API key you first need to create a AdMaven account and go to the "New Content locker" -> "Key Generator".

Your key will be displayed here, click Copy API key to copy it!

Updated on: 29/10/2024
Thank you!