Articles on: FAQ - General Questions

I don’t see any ads on my site. What should I do?

If you implemented the AdMaven ads correctly, you can check them here. You must ensure the JS code is inside the <head> section of your website, though other sections should also work.
Also, if you use an AdBlock extension, disable it for your website. If you still don't see the ads, please contact our support team to get a code for our AdBlock bypass solution.

Check that all implementations are set accordingly – If so, leave the JS code implemented on the site and contact our live support. Make sure you send them all the information needed to fix the issue.

What details do we need?

What kind of traffic are you monetizing, and what is its source (social media, website etc)?
What type of ads are you testing?
What browser/device are you using? In which country?
When did you place the ads / when did the ads stop working?
Did you make any changes in the implementation/on-site?
Where did you place the codes?

Usually, it takes 15 -30 minutes to start seeing ads after the tag has been created.

Updated on: 02/06/2024

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