Does my website need to be approved before I begin?
To start, use this link to sign up - Link.
To start your monetizing journey, follow the steps:
Click on the Statistic or Main section and choose New Site Ad.

To add a new site, Click the “New Site Ad” button. If you already have a site in our platform, choose “Add to existing site” and then Click “Continue.”

Add and Verify - Add your website's correct URL. It is essential to add the website's name as indicated in the picture above (including https://
Please make sure that you add the correct URL. Once you add it, you won’t be able to delete it.

You must verify every website you want to add by implementing the verification code on your site.
Example code (To get your site verification code, go to your account setting):

Verification Code - Choose one of the 2 options: JS code or file, and implement them on your site.
JS code:
Copy AdMaven’s verification code and place it between the <head> and </head> tags of your HTML code.

Upload file:
Upload the file to the root directory of your website.

After implementing the verification code on your site, go back to your AdMaven Account and Click the “**Verify**” button.
Once your site is verified, the status of your website will be automatically updated to “verified” in the “Traffic sources / Sites” section.

If you haven't implemented the verification code on your site, it won’t be verified.

Remember, you can choose between a JS code and an uploaded file, similar to how it's done in Wordpress sites.
You can't use our ads without verifying your website domain.
If you need help, feel free to contact us via chatbox or email support:
To start your monetizing journey, follow the steps:
Click on the Statistic or Main section and choose New Site Ad.

To add a new site, Click the “New Site Ad” button. If you already have a site in our platform, choose “Add to existing site” and then Click “Continue.”

Add and Verify - Add your website's correct URL. It is essential to add the website's name as indicated in the picture above (including https://
Please make sure that you add the correct URL. Once you add it, you won’t be able to delete it.

You must verify every website you want to add by implementing the verification code on your site.
Example code (To get your site verification code, go to your account setting):

Verification Code - Choose one of the 2 options: JS code or file, and implement them on your site.
JS code:
Copy AdMaven’s verification code and place it between the <head> and </head> tags of your HTML code.

Upload file:
Upload the file to the root directory of your website.

After implementing the verification code on your site, go back to your AdMaven Account and Click the “**Verify**” button.
Once your site is verified, the status of your website will be automatically updated to “verified” in the “Traffic sources / Sites” section.

If you haven't implemented the verification code on your site, it won’t be verified.

Remember, you can choose between a JS code and an uploaded file, similar to how it's done in Wordpress sites.
You can't use our ads without verifying your website domain.
If you need help, feel free to contact us via chatbox or email support:
Updated on: 02/06/2024
Thank you!