Articles on: Getting Paid

Where can I view my payment transfers and history logs?

To access your payment transfers and view history logs, follow these steps:

Go to the dashboard or main menu of your platform and locate the "Payment" section. This is where you'll find all the information related to your payments and financial transactions.

Within the Payment section, there should be an option to view your payment history or transaction logs. Each entry typically includes details such as:

Date: The date when the payment transaction occurred.
Payment Period Date: This indicates the period for which the payment is being made.
Method of Payment: the payment method used for the transaction such as: Paypal, Payoneer, Wire, etc.
Amount Paid: The specific amount paid for the given period.
Terms: This includes details like "Net-30" or "Net-0" indicating the terms of payment agreed upon.
Status: The status of the payment transaction, whether it's pending, completed, or any other relevant status.

Updated on: 02/06/2024

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