WordPress plugin for "Push Notifications (native)"
To run this plugin on your site please follow the instructions below:
Go to the 'Plugins' category and click "Add New". Choose The Official Ad-Maven Plugin

On a new page click on the button "Upload Plugin" -> Choose file (Our plugin) -> Open

Click "Install Now"

After installation, click "Activate Plugin"

After activation, in the main menu, you will see a new category called "Ad-Maven push". Fill in your publisher Tag ID and click "Activate." Within 10 minutes, everything should work, and you can check the push on the site.

To Get your Number Tag ID- (How Do I get tag?)
How to check if the plugin is working correctly?
refresh the site - clean the cache, and check if you see the push.
Click Ctrl-U on the publisher panel, and you should see the script tag with "sw.js" in the code.
<<download WP Plugin>>
Go to the 'Plugins' category and click "Add New". Choose The Official Ad-Maven Plugin

On a new page click on the button "Upload Plugin" -> Choose file (Our plugin) -> Open

Click "Install Now"

After installation, click "Activate Plugin"

After activation, in the main menu, you will see a new category called "Ad-Maven push". Fill in your publisher Tag ID and click "Activate." Within 10 minutes, everything should work, and you can check the push on the site.

To Get your Number Tag ID- (How Do I get tag?)
How to check if the plugin is working correctly?
refresh the site - clean the cache, and check if you see the push.
Click Ctrl-U on the publisher panel, and you should see the script tag with "sw.js" in the code.
<<download WP Plugin>>
Updated on: 02/06/2024
Thank you!